Rob and Rowan and Juels

Muhahahahaha. This should be a joyous show because we kiiiinda really all Love playing together. Unless we’re angsty. Or raging. Bluesy folky funky rage.


Thursday, Dec 05 2024


8:00 pm - 10:00 pm

Muhahahahaha. This should be a joyous show because we kiiiinda really all Love playing together. Unless we’re angsty. Or raging. Bluesy folky funky rage. All the good stuff floating to the top. A free show but we suggest a donation cause damn it we’re worth it.

“Percussive, rhythmically driven guitar that freely composites fingerpicking, classical melodies, running bass lines, harmonics, & hard-charging chords. [rob’s] vocals are needled & gaunt, with the jittery energy of a dockyard stray on speed …” – Allzah